Patate arraganate
Chef: Gennardo Contaldo
Serves 4
7 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
500g potates thinly sliced
1 tsp dried oregano
Salt and pepper
Torn basil leaves
300g red onions sliced
400g cherry tomatoes, halved and deseeded
1 tbsp white wine
Heat oven to 180c.
Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil into an ovenproof dish.
Arrage a layer of potates, sprinkle over a little of the oregano, seasoning and some basil leaves. Follow with a layer of onions and tomatoes and drizzle of the remaining olive oil. Continue untill all veg used.
Pour over remaining olive oil and white wine.
Cover with foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes, then remove the foil and loosen the potates with a fork (carefully). Bake for another 15-20 minutes until pots are cooked through.